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Mold & Mildew Removal

What is mold? Where does it grow and why?

Mold is an organic living organism that thrives on the deterioration of other organic materials.

Mold is a viable part of our lives: it decomposes refuge, and brings new life to specific types of plants. As it eats, it off gases methane and sulfur giving it a very distinct flavor and without it in our landfills, trash would pile up very quickly! We even have minor levels of it in the alveoli in our lungs to break down dust and other particles that our body needs to process! So remember, every breath you take has a level of mold spores in it.

Mold in minor concentrations is good for us however, if exposed to high or lethal doses, can cause many neurological and physical ailments to become life changing. Also, certain types of mold are lethal in any dose, so for that reason, restoration professionals treat ALL types of mold the same within a dwelling where we spend a lot of time.

In the 90’s a product call TYVEK became the new energy efficient way to “seal” up a house from the outside. It is a thin layer of material applied before any exterior finishes are fastened to the home or dwelling giving it a thermal protective barrier to keep heat and cool air in, and outside weather out. It did exactly what is was designed to do, but in doing so, it was discovered that mold started growing in water present areas of home very quickly. What we found is that homes need to “breathe” to keep the air from becoming stale or stagnant where mold loves to live. In winter, condensation on windows and doors becomes very prevalent, if the moisture is not released from the inside of the home, it provides the perfect storm for mold to grow.

Mold lives in moist areas of the home, wash rooms, bathrooms, kitchens, and can be found in just about every material known to man.

When mold loses moisture, it becomes dormant, alive, but not growing anymore. Once moisture is introduced to the mold again, it begins to grow exponentially! 2 becomes 4, 4 becomes 16 and so on!

In most cases, it is necessary to consult a hygienist to determine spore count. This gives us a base line to achieve results. Once a post test is performed after the remediation, the spore count should be within a margin of acceptance set forth by the hygienist, if not, the remediation is done again.

PRS is very conscious of you and your families safety, elderly people and children are the most influenced and it is our objective to keep everyone safe.

PRS has the tools, equipment, and experience to do the job right and one time!

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